Replace Outlook Customer Manager (OCM) with DejaOffice PC CRM for Outl - Abilene - Phones for sale, PDA for sale, Abilene - 2862591


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Replace Outlook Customer Manager (OCM) with DejaOffice PC CRM for Outl - Phones for sale, PDA for sale

Ref. number: 2862591 Updated: 18-02-2020 06:22

Price: 99.95 USD $

Offering: Phones for sale, PDA for sale in United States, Texas, Abilene

An Outlook Add-In for Customer Relations Management When a customer emails you, do you sometimes struggle to remember their past orders, or when you are scheduled to meet with them? Wouldn't it be nice to have the customer history on the screen, as well as an easy way to create an followup task and appointment? DejaOffice for Outlook can handle all these items and make your day more productive. It is not expensive and will quickly pay for itself in time savings and convenience. Average rating: 4.86 out of 5 based on 29 reviews. Free 14 day trial. Price $99.95

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Contact information
First name: Arun
Last name: Kumar
Phone number: 01788096251
Mobile number: 01788096251
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